Friday, August 8, 2008

How to Become a Better Sales Person

All of us have done sales at one point in our lives. If you have to go on a job interview, it means you have to sell yourself to get the job since there are so many competitors. You have to market your skills, have experience, know how to negotiate salary and be likable. You have to prove to your prospective employer that you are the person for the job and so you have to have a certain kind of confidence and belief in yourself. You have to be grounded, mature and eager to learn.

It is the same attitude that is associated with a person who is actually in sales. If you are in the field of sales and want to become a better salesman or saleswoman, you have to first learn from those who have had more experience than you have had over the years. A good sales person must know the product or services of the company so that they can provide adequate and correct information to the client. Knowing the product or services may, in some cases, mean using it yourself because once you have a personal experience with something; you can recommend it honestly to others. This is why in the network marketing industry, sales representatives are asked to have their own monthly volume of the same products they are promoting so that their sales pitch can be more convincing and real.

Be confident about your skills and your ability to sell. You don't want your customer or client to see any sign of insecurity because they will see that as not believing in the company and its products or services. This is not a good representation of the company. Learn as much as you can about the company, their vision and their mission statement. Let that be a part of your vision. If you cannot identify with the company's vision or accept it, you might as well not be there.

Keep sharpening your skill set. Take classes, workshop or training that will help you to be a better sales person. Buy books, CDs or DVDs that are geared towards better salesmanship. A good author on that subject is Zig Ziglar. You also want to have your own goals of where you want to be as a salesperson in five years, ten years or twenty years. You will then use those goals as a buffer to propel you in the right direction and to make you better year after year.

Believe in yourself and in your abilities. If you don't believe you can do it, no one else will do it for you. You have to encourage yourself and stay motivated. Be around positive people that will help you to see things in a new light. Never be too hard on yourself. If you make a sale, go out and treat yourself to a movie, dinner or something momentous. Accept any moment of failure because it is through your failures that you will learn to become a better sales person. It will give you enough tenacity to do better the next time around.