Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Importance of Pre-Sell Preparation

You will find it is not sufficient to sell yourself on the value of your product just once. For a time at least, you should sell yourself every time before you approach a customer, whether it is on the internet or in person. The large number of objections that will be made to your goods by customers will have a tendency to put your mind in a negative state about the quality of your product. So before ever speaking to a customer, review everything positive about your product and make sure YOU are sold on it.You must sell yourself over and over again, until you have a reservoir of positive facts about your product that is inexhaustible; until you have at least two or three answers to every objection a customer can make.

Constant study of your product will bring new points to mind. Jot these points down and use them in outlining your sales talk or webpage copy.

It will require all your ability to keep your mind positive. It will require all your memory-power to retain the positive facts concerning your goods. It will require all your imagination to generate the enthusiasm which is so necessary in selling a customer.

Think right thoughts and you will soon be a confident, aggressive, optimistic salesperson that no customer can withstand. As a matter of fact, no customer will want to turn you down if you are a high-grade salesperson, because everybody likes to add to the success of an already successful person by doing business with that person.

The biggest thing in the world is not financial success. It is in being a "real person" in every sense of the word. Although you may not fully realize the great importance of character and personality and education to success, you will find in your actual work that, other things being equal, the "real person" earns the biggest income.

When you think of selling a particular customer you should mentally go through the sale, and decide just what you intend to say and do during the sales talk. You should decide just how you are going to approach this particular customer, in view of what you know about them. You should select the points that will give this type of customer the best understanding of your goods. You should work out the appeals that you are going to make and use only those that will convince him he needs your product.

You should outline the suggestions and reasons why that will bring him to the decision. You should give most careful consideration to what you are going to say, and the particular thing or things you can do to close him on the spot.

Now you are wondering how you get information about the contact. That is really beyond the scope of this article, however when searching for leads, even on the internet, get as much information as possible and then use that to develop a picture of who you are dealing with. Obviously they are looking for something you are selling or they would not have submitted their information in the first place.

It is good to have a script, but do not read from it. Use it to practice what you will say until you have it cold. There is nothing worse for sales than a stuttering, bumbling sales person who appears clueless about the product. Remember that those highly successful infomercial people have scripts they have rehearsed over and over again just like an actor. Why? Because you ARE an actor/actress and you are trying to sell your product with your performance and knowledge.