Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Coaching Sales - 4 Secrets to Excel at Coaching Sales

Life with its inevitable problems is good for your business. You can share your expertise and make a very nice online income. If you have a program that can completely solve somebody's serious problem, you can easily start making thousands of dollars online as a problem solver. Each of us is an expert at something. What you know may seem obvious and ordinary to you. However, I assure you, there are a lot of people that will pay thousands of dollars to you to completely solve their problem. I do it and have been doing it for a while. I invite you to do the same thing. I will show you 4 secrets to excel at coaching sales.

1. What's the first thing you've got to do to excel at coaching? It's building your list. Once you build your list then you have someone to work with. You've got to interact with your market and help them completely solve those problems by sharing lots of good information. You just give it to them in article marketing and in an e-mail campaign. So, first and foremost, build that list. It is gold to your business.

2. So, as you're building your list and sharing lots of good information, do you know what else you are doing? You are developing trust and rapport with your niche. People can't know you until they can relate to you. They can know you once they know you are really interested in helping them completely solve their problems. Get that? Completely solve somebody's life altering problem. When you help them solve their problems, they will remember you for life and refer others to you. It's all good, then, isn't it?

3. Your class or consulting package or 8 to 12 week class, the one that has to completely solve their problem, will prove invaluable to your clients. When you are no longer grieving over a distracting and disappointing life problem, you feel much better. Have you ever wanted something so much you just didn't know what to do? Well, that's what your coaching does. It does what nobody else has done for your client. You're the only one who has know how to help your client and he or she feels so grateful that he or she has consented to complete your entire coaching program.

4. So, have you identified what your real expertise is? If so, remember, that it is very valuable. Some people call that life experience. I call it self-training. You've read up on some techniques and put them into action. You've developed skills nobody else knows how to do the same way you know how to do it. That's worth a lot of money. Accept the idea that people will pay maybe $2000 to $5000 or more to learn from you how they can solve their problem. It's already a fact. Go show people how to completely solve their most pressing life challenges. Lots of people are already doing it. Now it's your turn.