Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Spare Parts - Segmenting Personality for Sales Persuasion

What is a part? If I say, a part of me wants this and a part of me wants that, what am I talking about? What are those things? Well, for one thing, it's a way of talking about our experience.

However, consider from here on out that words are things, they are real, they exist, as surely as the computer I'm looking at right now and the keyboard I am typing on and the books I can see in my peripheral vision.

Words are things and when someone says, 'A part of me. . . ' this or that, they are fragmenting/segmenting themselves, making a part, in other words, a fractionalized subsection of themselves, that has responsibilities for and energy to accomplish certain things, not the least of which is to tell you no, or object to you and the products or services you are selling.

Whenever I hear a person saying they have a 'part', I pretty well darn near jump for joy because I know that they are fractionated inside and I can seize control of one or many of those parts and make it do whatever I want for the most part.

The minute I hear part, or any reference to another name, an alternate name, my unconscious, a deeper part of who I am, my psyche, my ego, id, any words that indicate a part, I'm thrilled because immediately in my mind, I'm thinking, that part and I are going to be really good friends.

One of the nice things about parts is, they are very outside of people's awareness. When they do surface, it's only a bit of a surface of that part you can extend it, elaborate upon it, and give it more power, power that the person never intended for it to have, and maneuver it to your advantage.

To the same end, you must be careful that you don't split yourself into lots and lots of parts or you risk running the same things on yourself.

A part is really a frame, a frame that lives autonomously to the individual who calls it, who says it. So how can you create a part in someone? Well, by naming it and identifying it, you create it. Naming and identifying is key here. If we name a part, we give that part power. And if we frame that part through the way in which we talk about it, we're in control of that part to a large extent.

Parts give us leverage. We can assign an objection to a part and then we can assign another part to overcome it. We can assign a part that overcomes an objection with a part that objects, and we can blend the parts, watering down the part that has the objection.

We can pit parts against each other. We can have senior parts, we can have junior parts, we have an all knowing part, a part that connects directly to God, we can have parts that resolve things, we can have negotiator parts, we can have all kinds of parts, we can have persuader parts.