Monday, January 28, 2008

The Relativity of Luxury

I'm not sure luxury is really the saddest thing I can imagine. I understand the intent behind the thought but ultimately, there are many things sadder. I am a huge fan of luxury and yet as a pragmatist and a realist, I can see the pitfalls inherent when an average person believes they have to have a luxurious, rich life thereby racking up plenty of debt.

In a article on MSN, "Uncommon Sense: Luxuries you can live without -- and should", author MP Dunleavey points out the new frames that certain items which were once considered ordinary and mundane purchases, things that we need for daily life but which shouldn't set us back too far, have now become commodities.

Pots, now called "cookware", sheets now called "linens", tennis shoes now called "athletic footwear" and watches now called "time pieces"-all have been reframed to adjust our perspective of their value.

She argues that while the original products may be necessary, the "new, improved and reframed" need not suck us in. (Which is, unfortunately, what it is doing to "average Americans" who can no more afford a $5,000 plasma screen TV than they can a trip to the moon.)

While in this Wall Street Journal article by Christina Binkley, "The Psychology of the $14,000 Handbag: How Luxury Brands Alter Shoppers' Price Perceptions; Buying a Key Chain Instead." , she shows the strategy behind pushing the limits of reason with prices to get the consumers to take a step down to another product, still probably out of the reasonable price range for what the product is, but more within their ability to stretch to buy it. (Ex. Buying a keychain from Tiffany's instead of an actual piece of jewelry because that's the only thing they can afford.)

She explains that, "when shoppers are confronted with prices they can't afford, a smart retailer will 'move you right along to where you can salvage your pride,' says Dan Hill, president of Sensory Logic, a Minneapolis consulting company that helps companies explore their sensory and emotional connections with customers."

Fortunately for us, in working with an affluent clientèle, we don't have to "put the screws" to prospects that shouldn't be attempting to purchase our services or products. Yet, the psychology behind altering price perceptions remains the same.

By framing ourselves as 'absolutely not the cheapest alternative, but definitely worth the price you pay' and really putting out there exactly what we require we are most definitely altering perceptions. Along those lines, one of the saddest things I can think of is getting used to accepting less than what we're really worth.