Thursday, November 1, 2007

What Business Books Do You Read - Which Ones Do You Read Twice?

If you are serious about winning in business, there are things you need to know that you do not have time to learn the hard way. How do I know? Well, lets just say I learned. Now then, the other day I was going through some old business books to donate and I picked up a few and put them back into my re-read pile, not quite ready to dump them quite yet, as they are filled with some pretty common sense information.

Shall we discuss a few of these books to help you succeed in your business career? Below are three books and a quick summary with a few comments:

"Don't Compete - Tilt the Field - 300 Irreverent Lessons for Tomorrow's Business Leaders" by Lois Patler - 1999. This author also wrote the number one best seller; "If it Ain't Broke - Break It!" There were some great stories in this book from Corporate America, companies such as Boeing, Intel, Motorola, Toyota, Xerox, Mercedes, British Airways and more. The book concentrates on stories that are about Attitude, Perspective and Leadership.

Just when you think you know everything or have considered all the strategies, another idea, or tactic shows up. For those who play the game to win, they must constantly stay abreast of such information.

What books do you read, how do you think of business? Maybe you should pour some new information into your head and think some more, the game is much more complex than it appears.

"Win-Win Partnerships - Be on the Leading Edge with Synergistic Coaching" by Steven J. Stowell, PhD. and Matt M. Starcevich, PhD. - 1997. These authors have also written "The Coach - Creating Partnerships for a Competitive Edge" and "Teamwork - We Have Met the Enemy and They are Us" which of the other two, I recommend the latter.

This book; Win-Win Partnerships starts out with a little philosophy, which is needed; Life is about Learning, why partnerships make sense, getting beyond actions, relationships and what is synergy. Then it talks about synergistic partnerships, coaching and an 8-Step Coaching Model (this is a copy of their book; The Coach).

Competing with a team of teams in a net-centric way can help you hyperspace your competition. Synergy is not a buzz-word, well sometimes it is, but it need not be, you can implement a plan and execute it, with a little help from your friends, vendors, customers and even your competition. Think on this.

"The 110% Solution - Using Good Old American Know-How to Manage Your Time, Talent and Ideas" by Mark H. McCormick - 1990. The book starts with your attitude, and basic things you need if you are going to play in the championship, explaining the dedication needed and what it takes - and how to leverage your time, talents, ideas and how to develop the skills to win. Next it discusses getting the most out of the team, deal making and the 111% solution.